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CWS Change Notices

CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB
CWS-CN-01-2024: Policy Updatepdf128 KB
CWS-CN-04-2023: Policy Updatepdf119 KB
CWS-CN-02-2023: Policy Updatepdf109 KB
CWS-CN-01-2023: Policy Updatepdf28 KB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-04-2022: Policy Updatepdf124 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Form DSS-6190pdf128 KB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-03-2022: Policy Updatepdf90 KB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-02-2022: Policy Updatepdf289 KB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Attachment – Permanency Planning Manualpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-01-2022: Policy Updatepdf127 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 2 – Appendix 2 CPPSpdf621 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Attachment 1 – Appendix 3.5 Foster Care Fundingpdf669 KB
CWS-CN-06-2021: Policy Updatepdf64 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 2 – Permanency Planning Manual Revisionpdf2 MB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Attachment 1 – Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC Policy Manual) Revisionpdf810 KB
CWS-CN-05-2021: Policy Updatepdf87 KB
CWS-CN-04-2021: Attachment – Appendix 1 CPS Data Collection February 2021pdf3 MB
CWS-CN-04-2021: DSS-5104 Clarification to Instructions Field 12pdf171 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Attachment – Manual Policy Revision Crosswalkpdf176 KB
CWS-CN-01-2020: Revision to Policy and Guidance, Notification of Policy Manual Updatepdf51 KB
CWS-CN-01-2019: Chapter IV-CPPS: New Form DSS-5094A and Removal of DSS-5106pdf1 MB
CWS-CN-02-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1600- Adoptionpdf808 KB
CWS-CN-03-2018: Revision to NC LINKS Policy on documents required to be provided to youth aging out of foster carepdf293 KB
CWS-CN-04-2018: Revision to Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf770 KB
CWS-CN-05-2018: Revision to Modified Manual – CPS Intake, CPS Assessments, and Creation of Cross-Function Topic: Human Traffickingpdf61 KB
CWS-CN-06-2018: Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registrypdf210 KB
CWS-CN-08-2018: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section1600 – Adoption Assistance Paymentspdf64 KB
CWS-CN-01-2017: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2017: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment Manualpdf340 KB
CWS-CN-02-2017: Revision to Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System regarding Foster Care 18 to 21pdf309 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2017: County Case Number Required on DSS-5094 Entriespdf125 KB
CWS-CN-03-2017: Revision to Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual, Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf365 KB
CWS-CN-04-2017: Updates to Chapter 1201 – Child Placement Services Sections I., II., IV., V., X., Addition of Section XIIIpdf293 KB
CWS-CN-06-2017: North Carolina’s Response to Legislative Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Substance Affected Infant Policy and Plan of Safe Carepdf30 KB
CWS-CN-07-2017: Rylan’s Law / CPS Observationpdf25 KB
CWS-CN-01-2016: Conflict of Interest Policypdf225 KB
CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human traffickingpdf149 KB
CWS-CN-03-2016: Safety Planning Policy & Use of Temporary Parental Safety Agreements Including Temporary Safety Providerspdf153 KB
CWS-CN-04-2016: Foster Care 18 to 21 Policypdf226 KB
CWS-CN-05-2016: Revision of Chapter XIII: Child Welfare Funding Manual New Section 1700 – Guardianship Assistance Programpdf228 KB
CWS-CN-02-2015: Revision of 1201 – Child Placement Services Policy; Revision of Chapter VIII: Protective Services, Section 1426 – Central Registry Policy; Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement and Payment System (CPPS); Revision of Forms; Posting of Reasonable and Prudent Parent Activities Guide; and Posting of Applying the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Toolpdf249 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2014: Child Placement and Payment System Manual Instructionspdf52 KB
CWS-CN-01-2014: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Policypdf33 KB
FHLM-CN-01-2014, Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents; Chapter VII, Section .1100; Chapter VIII-Miscellaneouspdf32 KB
CWS-CN-04-2014: Revision of the Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf26 KB
ICPC-CN-01-2013: Amendments to Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Regulations: II, III, IV, V, VII and Adoption of Regulation XIIpdf29 KB
CWS-CN-02-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII. 1422. Child Medical & Child/Family Evaluation Program (CMEP/CFEP)pdf108 KB
FHLM-CN-03-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents, Section.0700, Section .1100, Chapter VII, and Chapter IXpdf40 KB
CWS-CN-04-2013: Revision of Responsible Individuals List Sample Letterpdf54 KB
CWS-FR-CN-05-2013: Revision of Time-Limited Family Reunification Services Policypdf184 KB
CWS-CN-05-2013: Revision of Section 1427pdf108 KB
CWS-CN-07-2013: Revision of Intensive Family Preservation Services Programpdf135 KB
CWS-CN-11-2013: Amendments to the Foster Home Licensing Manual to Include: Table of Contents and Chapter VIII, Miscellaneous, Item Jpdf98 KB
CWS-CN-12-2013: Revision of Chapter VIII; Section 1427pdf85 KB
CWS-CN-01-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
FHLM-CN-02-2012: Foster Home Licensing Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-03-2012: Responsible Individuals List / Central Registry Criminal Code Additionpdf34 KB
CWS-CN-01-2011: Completing the DSS-5094 Form, Field 19 Placement Authority and Field 55 Funding Source Codespdf31 KB
CWS-CN-02-2011: Implementation of the Automated Responsible Individuals List (RIL)pdf58 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2010, This change notice transmits revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, Part III.pdf23 KB
CWS-CN-02-2010: Policy Resulting From Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Education Stability for Children in Foster Carepdf27 KB
CWS-CN-01-2010: North Carolina Court of Appeals Ruling – Constitutionality of the Responsible Individuals Listpdf30 KB
CWS-CN-03-2010: Adoption Exchange (NC KIDS) Policypdf31 KB
CWS-CN-04-2010: evision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manual (XII. Vendor Payments to Medical or Therapeutic Providers)pdf27 KB
CWS-CN-05-2010: NC LINKS Policy Revisionspdf27 KB
CWS-CN-06-2010: Confidential Intermediary Services Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-07-2010: North Carolina ICPC Policy Revisionspdf29 KB
CWS-CN-01-2009: CFT Meeting Policy Including CFT Documentation Instrument (Attachment 1)pdf21 KB
CWS-CN-02-2009: Revision of the Title IV-E Foster Care Fundingpdf19 KB
CWS CHANGE NOTICE NO. 03-2009, Adoption Services and Adoption Assistance Policy Changespdf16 KB
CWS-CN-04-2009: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf20 KB
CWS-CN-07-2009: Changes to the Central Registry Report User Manual Implemented January 2009pdf29 KB
CWS-CN-08-2009: Revision of Chapter XIII, Section 1600 Adoption Assistance, Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf28 KB
CWS-CN-09-2009: Revision of Chapter IV: Child Placement, Section 1201, Adolescent Services NC LINKS – Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions of 2008; Emancipation Plan Provisionpdf31 KB
CWS-CN-10-2009: Policy Resulting from Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; Relative Notification Policypdf32 KB
CPS-CN-01-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Services, Section 1418 Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilities, Section 1438 Medical Neglect of Disabled Infants With Life Threatening Conditionspdf17 KB
CWS-CN-01-2008: Confidential Intermediary Policypdf16 KB
CS-CN-02-2008: Revised Manualpdf23 KB
CPS-CN-03-2008: Clarifications and updates to current policy-Chapter VIII, Section 1408 Investigative and Family Assessmentspdf16 KB
CPS-CN-04-2008: Additions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1 Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1427 – Attachment 1 – Responsible Individual List User’s Manualpdf25 KB
CS-CN-05-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changes-Revisions made to Chapter IV: Child Placement Services, Chapter V: Jurisdiction in Child Welfare, and Chapter VIII, Child Protective Servicespdf35 KB
CS-CN-06-2008: Section 1428, Confidentiality and Release of Informationpdf17 KB
CS-CN-07-2008: Program Improvement Policy Changespdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2008, Program Improvement Policy Changespdf32 KB
CS-CN-09-2008: Section 1412 CPS In-Home Servicespdf28 KB
CS-CN-10-2008: New Shared Parenting Policypdf18 KB
CS-CN-11-2008: Drug Endangered Children Policy Revisionspdf26 KB
CS-CN-01-2007: Updated Child Protective Services Manualpdf33 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2007: Revisions/corrections to the CPPS – Child Placement and Payment System User’s Manual, section Part IIpdf33 KB
CSC-CN: 02-2007, Revised Parts V and VI of Chapter XIII, The Child Welfare Funding Manualpdf130 KB
CS-CN-03-2007: Revised Adolescent Services Section of the Child Placement Manualpdf124 KB
CS-CN-05-2007: Revisions to the Family Services User’s Manual; Volume 1, Chapter VIII. Protective Services, Section 1426-Central Registry. Attachment 1-Central Registry User’s Manual, Section III. DSS-5104 Entry, and Section VII. DSS-5104 FORM FIELDS AND CODESpdf28 KB
CS-CN-04-2007: Safe Surrender Policypdf124 KB
CSC-CN-06-2007: New Policy: Infant Born to an Incarcerated Mother Program(Previously known as the Prison Baby Program)pdf19 KB
CS-CPS-CN-07-2007: Clarifications and updates to current policypdf51 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Manual Material and Formspdf188 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: Revised manual material and formpdf138 KB
CS-CN-01-2006: New Funding Manual for Child Welfare Servicespdf68 KB
CS-CN-03-2006: Revised Manual and Formspdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2006: Revised Manualpdf125 KB
CS-CN-01-2005: Family Services, Volume 1, Children’s Services, Chapter IV, Child Placement, Section 1201pdf74 KB
PP-CN-02-2005: Volume I, Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Services is now onlinepdf122 KB
CS-CN-03-2005: Revised Section 1418: Investigative Assessments in Child Care Facilitiespdf73 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf27 KB
CS-CN-04-2005: Revised Manual and Formpdf69 KB
CS-CN-05-2005: New LINKS policy, Chapter VIII of Section 1201 of the Child Placement Manualpdf66 KB
CPS-CN-01-2004: New Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf8 KB
CS-CN-06-2004: New Section 1432: State Child Fatality Review Protocol and four (4) attachmentspdf112 KB
DV-CN-07-2004: Revised Section 1409: Domestic Violencepdf128 KB
CS-CN-08-2004: Amended Question and Answer Document, Structured Intake Report Form, and Section 1407, Structured Intakepdf74 KB
PP-CN-09-2004: New Chapter XII, Problem Pregnancy Servicespdf122 KB
CW-CN-11-2004: New Chapter IX: Drug Endangered Children and Fourteen (14) Attachmentspdf102 KB
CPPS-CN-01-2003: Chapter VIII: Protective Services Manual has been revised to incorporate Section 1407: Structured Intakepdf143 KB
CPPS-CN-03-2003: Child Placement and Payment Systempdf20 KB
CS-CN-02-2002: Revised Chapter XI: Interstate/Intercountry Services to Children Manualpdf16 KB
CPPS-CN-04-2002: New Child Placement and Payment System Manualpdf16 KB