Document Tag: Administrative Letter
EFS-FNS-AL-22-2016: Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Veteran’s Benefits (VA) Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
EFS-FNS-AL-22-2016: Attachment 1
EFS-FNS-AL-23-2016: FNS Policy Reminders and Procedural Requirements
EFS-FNS-AL-24-2016: Notification of Simplified Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) Mass Change Allotment Increase
EFS-FNS-AL-24-2016: Attachment 1
EFS-FNS-AL-25-2016: FNS Policy Reminders and Procedural Requirements
EFS-FNS-AL-01-2015: FNS Application Processing Timeliness Standards
EFS-FNS-AL-02-2015: County Elimination of Food and Nutrition Services Employment and Training Requirements for Columbus and Wake
EFS-FNS-AL-03-2015: Attachment 2
EFS-FNS-AL-03-2015: Attachment 3