- 101.01 General
- 101.02 Food Stamp Logon Instructions
- 101.03 Help Screen and Help Screen Text
- 101.04 Logoff CICS
Document Category: Social Services
101.01 General 101.02 Food Stamp Logon Instructions 101.03 Help Screen and Help Screen Text 101.04 Logoff CICS
CN-01-2009: Update Disaster Food and Nutrition Services Manual
AL-08-2011: Hurricane Irene 2011 Disaster Food and Nutrition Services Benefits
AL-09-2011: Hurricane Irene 2011 Disaster Food and Nutrition Services Benefits for 24 Additional Counties
AL-06-2003: Hurricane Isabel Disaster Food Stamps
AL-08-2002: New Validation Process for EPICS Referrals
AL-16-2001: Revisions to Counting Work First Sanctions and Recoupments That Affect Automated Food Stamp (AFS) Cases
AL-20-2001: County Work First Plan Amendment Regarding Work
AL-20-2000: Payment Revisions to Reflect Social Security Cost-Of-Living Increases for Work First Family Assistance
AL-12-2000: Automated Food Stamps and Closed Food Stamp Cases