Document Category: Social Services
CN-SIS-02-2023: New Program Codes Continuous Coverage Unwinding and Medicaid Expansion (CCU) and MIC/NCHC Continuous Coverage Unwinding and Medicaid Expansion (MCU)
CN-SIS-01-2023: Program Code Health Choice (HC) is now obsolete and has been replaced with new Program Code Medicaid for Infants and Children (MIC). Program Code MIC is valid with service codes 870,872,890, 891, and 892.
CN-SIS-08-2022: New Service Code 114 Professional Foster Parents has been added and is valid with a new program code PFP.
CN-SIS-07-2022: SIS101.01 – The definition of code 07 under Field 22 Living Arrangement has been revised
CN-SIS-07-2022: SIS300.09 – The definition of Service Code 330 – Individual And Family Adjustment Services has also been revised.
CN-SIS-08-2022: New Service Code 113 START Model Services has been added and is valid with new program code STM.
CN-SIS-06-2022: The use of Service Code 804 has been revised for Non E&E Agency-Wide Administration Staff and is valid with program codes ADM, N and N2
CN-SIS-06-2022: Appendix B has been edited to reflect the changes above.
CN-SIS-05-2022: Service Codes 887 Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) with new Program Code ARP and 893 Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (Services) Part II only was also revised.
CN-SIS-06-2022: New Service Code 801 Non E&E Income Maintenance Supervisor and Clerical Support has been added and is valid with program code ADM.