Document Category: Social Services
AL-05-2008: Eligibility of Iraqi and Afghan aliens who have been granted special immigrant status for Federal TANF and State Maintenance of Effort (MOE) benefits
AL-02-2008: Income of Temporary Census Workers
AL-13-2008: Guidance Regarding Immigration Status, Citizenship and Social Security Numbers
AL-06-2008: FLSA and Child Support Income; Tax Rebate Check
AL-16-2008: Historical Data Entry for Employment Programs Information System (EPIS)
AL-15-2008: Funding for Work First Functional Assessments
AL-02-2008: Child Support Income for Children Receiving SSI and Medicaid Coverage for Pregnant Women and IV-D non-cooperation
AL-01-2008: Clarification of Use of Benefit Diversion
AL-03-2008: Social Security Cost-of-Living Increase for 2009 (COLA)
AL-04-2008: Clarification of Fair Labor Standards Act Calculation Work Experience and Community Service Hours