Document Category: Social Services
CN-13-2004: The purpose of this change notice is to correct code “AJCD” which is used to decrease balance on a claim in EPICS.
CN-12-2004: An EPIS reporting calendar for September 2004 has been added to Figure 1 of Section 118.
CN-14-2004: The Audit/Dast-10 (DSS-8218) has been modified to include a date and client identification number line.
CN-02-2003: This section adds new policy, criteria and instructions for reporting aliens who are residing in the U.S. unlawfully.
CN-01-2003: The purpose of this Change Notice is to revise the EPIS Reporting Calendar to reflect the weeks for Federal Fiscal Year 2003.
CN-04-2003: The purpose of this change notice is to delete all references to Automated Food Stamps (AFS).
CN-03-2003: The purpose of this change is to clarify existing Family Violence Policy to include more specific guidelines in the areas of training, notification, screening, waivers, and confidentiality.
CN-06-2003: Specific requirements are listed to clarify which eligibility requirements of the Work First Family Assistance Program must be met for Benefit Diversion.
CN-05-2003: The federal poverty guidelines for this year have been received. This change notice provides the updated monthly amounts for 2003.
CN-07-2003: The purpose of this change notice is to incorporate instructions for writing off claims for overpayments and to incorporate policy regarding the “O” Appeal Indicator for North Carolina Debt Setoff from DSS Administrative Letter 6-2002.