Document Category: Social Services
CN-04-2008: Figures 1 and 2 have been revised to reflect the new 150 and 200 percent poverty guidelines.
CN-03-2008: The changes that are addressed in this notice are to provide further guidance regarding immigrant access as recommended by the Office of Civil Rights.
CN-06-2008: The changes addressed in this notice are designed to provide clarification, correction and incorporate new policy into the Work First Policy Manual.
CN-05-2008: A new section has been added to the Work First Policy manual, Section 117.
CN-07-2008: The changes to Work First Manual Section 114 were made to clarify current policy and to ensure policy consistency with Division of Medical Assistance Policy, when applicable.
CN-08-2008: The Federal Final Rule was published in February of 2008. This final rule implements the changes to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) required by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.
CN-01-2007: The Federal Poverty Guidelines have been received for this year. Therefore, this change notice provides the updated monthly amounts for 2007.
CN-03-2007: The section has also been reformatted to allow for a clearer presentation of policy.
CN-02-2007: The purpose of this Change Notice is to provide policy clarification and consistency.
CN-04-2007: The changes that are addressed in the attached sections of the Work First Manual are to clarify that those applicants or recipients providing evidence of currently participating in a treatment program are not required during application or review, if appropriate, to be screened for substance abuse, to clarify that spouses of step relatives do not meet the kinship rule, and to incorporate the changes related to the Work Verification Plan as a result of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.