Document Category: Energy Programs
EP-CN-01-2005: This Change Notice transmits revisions to the CIP User’s Instructions. The revisions reflect changes in the screens that display the Race, Ethnicity, and Language codes.
EP-CN-05-2005: The purpose of this change notice is to make revisions to Sections 100, 200, 300, 410, 440, 500 and 900 of the Energy Manual.
EP-CN-04-2005: This Change Notice transmits revisions to the LIEAP data entry instructions.
EP-CN-03-2005: This Change Notice transmits revisions to the CIP User’s Instructions.
EP-CN-06-2005: The purpose of this change notice is to revise Section 900 of the Energy Manual to include instructions for instances when a Crisis Intervention Program (CIP) overpayment occurs.
EP-CN-01-2004: This change adds procedures for use of the new SAVE system and updates the address and telephone number for the BCIS office in Charlotte.
EP-CN-03-2004: The purpose of this change notice is to provide instructions for enhanced name search functions available in the Crisis Intervention Program (CIP) Automated System.
EP-CN-02-2004: The purpose of this change notice is to provide instructions for new reports and functions available in the Crisis Intervention Program (CIP) Automated system.
EP-CN-05-2004: Share the Warmth is a new program for low income households experiencing a heating related crisis.
EP-CN-04-2004: The purpose of this change is to incorporate annual program rules and other policy clarifications.