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WFU Policies/Manuals

WF-50 Introductionpdf11 KB
WF-100 EIS Logon and Logoff Procedurespdf26 KB
WF-104 General Usepdf88 KB
WF-105 Glossarypdf20 KB
WF-200 Common Name Data Servicepdf132 KB
WF-300 EIS Inquiriespdf83 KB
WF-400 Verification Inquiriespdf19 KB
WF-500 Systematic Alien Verification Eligibility (Save) Inquiriespdf86 KB
WF600 NCXPTR – Report Distribution Systempdf13 KB
WF-700 Dss-8124, Dss-8125, and Check History Codespdf299 KB
WF-800 Dss-8124 Screen Instructionspdf107 KB
WF-900 Automated Child Support Referralpdf135 KB
WF-1000 Automated Budgetpdf169 KB
WF-1100 On-Line Dss-8125 Screen Instructionspdf391 KB
WF-1200 Benefit Issuancepdf28 KB
WF-1300 Work First Benefitspdf41 KB
WF-1400 Tracking Functionspdf123 KB
WF-1500 Medicaid Coverage Procedurespdf100 KB
WF-1600 TDC – TANF Collection Report Instructionspdf677 KB
WF-1700 State Office Contactspdf32 KB
WF-1800 Broadcast Messagespdf14 KB
EP-100 Introductionpdf10 KB
EP-200 System Accesspdf27 KB
EP-300 EPIS Inquiriespdf44 KB
EP-400 Dss-6908pdf65 KB
EP-500 Codespdf144 KB
EP-600 Data Entrypdf111 KB
EP-601 Historical Data Entrypdf67 KB
EP-602 Participant Trackingpdf27 KB
EP-700 Administrative Procedurespdf14 KB
EP-800 System Generated Reportspdf97 KB